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Game Analysis


Latest updates: Mar 29 2023



Project Highlights

  • ArchLoot is a free-to-play, user-generated content (UGC) game with loot-style composability and playability. The game is built on Binance Chain and offers an interactive gameplay experience that allows for on-chain implementation of upgradeable characters/props NFTs using unique protocol, EIP 4985 and BEP 129, thus enhancing its potential for playability and robust user-generated content.
  • ArchLoot adopts a dual-token economic model featuring the governance token $ALT and the in-game currency $ALG.
  • ArchLoot has cultivated a robust community, boasting an impressive 76K Twitter followers and a thriving Discord with 41.1K members. This dedicated following reflects the game's appeal and its ability to connect with gamers and blockchain enthusiasts alike.
  • In June 2022, ArchLoot successfully raised over $17M in three rounds of funding from prominent investors such as Alphabit, YBB, y2z Ventures, Kryptos, FBG Capital, Stratified Capital, and Principle Ventures. Since then, the team has carefully utilized the funds to drive the game's development and growth.
  • ArchLoot's 40-member team brings together talent from leading gaming publishers, blockchain projects, and financial institutions from around the world. This diverse and committed team positions ArchLoot as a major player in the fast-evolving play-to-earn gaming space.
  • ArchLoot's mystery box sales have been a huge success, with 200 boxes selling out within 10 seconds on the Binance NFT platform in June 2022, and all 1,000 boxes in the second wave selling out quickly on August 8th. The sales were ranked Top 2 on the Daily Top Collection of the platform.
  • ArchLoot underwent three successful Closed Beta Test phases, engaging over 8000 web2 and web3 gamers from 26 countries and regions. The game garnered significant traction in MENA, LATAM, and Southeast Asia, with peak hours seeing over 3,500 online users. A remarkable 42% of users continued to play the game after the first week.
  • ArchLoot's open beta test took place in Vietnam this February, featuring tournament-style gameplay by top esports teams and incentivized events with weekly prizes worth $1000. It provided an exciting and immersive gaming experience with diverse modes and customizable options, showcasing the potential of interactive NFTs in gaming.



  • ArchLoot is a fantasy RPG game that incorporates interactive NFT technology to allow players to customize and battle with their own monster. The game features over hundreds of mix-and-matchable parts, including torso, head, upper limb, lower limb, and accessories, offering endless customization options. With an engaging storyline of adventure, companionship, odd creatures, and bad fortunes, players land on a new planet after hearing a whisper from a stone they acquired, where they encounter an indescribable creature that becomes their partner.
  • The game blends exploration and combat, where passion and danger are only a hair's breadth apart. On the first day of the game, players arrive at a camp where a small group of monsters greets them, and colorful huts provide comfortable shelter and tasty food. The next morning, an odd-shaped wooden fort appears, setting the stage for a new adventure. ArchLoot offers a unique gaming experience that combines playability, sustainability, and profitability.

ArchLoot Game Preview


The Game Universe or ALTverse is a remote world in a vast, endless galaxy. It has a diverse climate and terrain:

  • Planet: The planet is a haven for plants and fruits, which provide building materials, safe food, and battle resources. There are reportedly hundreds of different types of fruit.
  • Monster: Monsters are a rare species on the planet, exhibiting physical characteristics and organs in hybrid forms. They can comprehend and carry out human commands.
  • Plants: The planet's climate and terrain make it a haven for plants and fruits, providing basic resources for survival.
  • Species: ALT3 has a diverse range of creatures, including mammals, insects, birds, and rare dragons. They can engage in combat with human-owned monsters.


The game offers players two exciting types of gameplay: Dungeon PvE and Competitive PvP.

  • PvE Mode: Players can explore the vast map, battle fierce monsters, and gather valuable resources. With eight daily dungeons, including Wet Plains, Fission Mountains, Ice Fields, Scorching Valley, Desert Ruins, Otherworld Portal, Mechanical Age, and Ancient Tombs, as well as three special event dungeons: Mystery Island, Tortuga, and Demon King Challenge, there is always a new challenge to conquer. Each dungeon offers unique resources and probabilities, ensuring endless replayability. To enter a dungeon, players must have a ticket, which can be obtained for free by holding monsters or purchased from the store.
  • PvP Mode: Players can compete against each other in various pre-existing maps, earning ranking points with each victory. Battle types include 1v1, team battles, brawls, and other modes, allowing players to choose their preferred playstyle. At the end of each season, players will receive season rewards based on their ranking, motivating them to climb the ranks and achieve greatness.

Whether you prefer PvE or PvP, ArchLoot offers thrilling gameplay that will keep you coming back for more.

NFTs: Monster Parts

  • To play the game, players first need to assemble their own monster using NFTs from five types of parts: torso, head, upper limb, lower limb, and accessory.
  • Rarity levels: common, rare, epic, and legendary
  • Strengthen parts using materials and recombine parts to increase rarity and add an additional attribute.
  • Each monster can have any number of skills, but only three can be activated during battle.
  • Parts can be obtained as rewards from hunting licenses, marketplace purchases, and dungeon quests.


Monsters in ArchLoot

ArchLoot's user-generated NFT operations offer a unique and innovative gaming experience for players. Powered by self-developed protocols EIP-4985 and BEP-129, these loot-style NFTs align gamers' choices of creation with corresponding underlying metadata change in a trustless manner. This technology not only enhances the features of loot, but also allows the creation of any digital properties in the form of numbers, significantly lowering the barrier to cross-ecosystem collaboration. Gamers can easily change, upgrade, and enhance the attributes and design of NFT assets during gameplay, unlocking unexpected performance by recombination, and can even sell them on secondary marketplaces.

Monsters' Attributes

  • Basic attributes: Attack, Health, Defense, Critical hit, Critical damage, Speed, Rebound damage, Penetrate
  • Special attributes: Bonus attack power of skill parts, Forward jump, Summon, Trap, Defense boost, Recover, Poison value, Skill penetration, Probability stun, etc.


ArchLoot is a game where players form tribes, grow their monsters, and defend their home from invasion. The game features a Residence, where tribe members can produce resources, a fruit barn to collect fruits, an Elementium to gather origin, a Dock to explore the world and fight in battles, an Arena for daily sparring, a Palette to customize avatars, a Garden for planting medicine seeds, a Blacksmith to level up NFT monster parts, a Guard post for tribe wars, and a Gene lab to reconstruct and reset NFT parts.


ArchLoot's Operation

Monthly Pass System

ArchLoot has introduced a monthly pass system to maintain dynamic control over the production and distribution of substantial assets and resources, with three types of passes available:

No Pass (0Pass) allows free entry to ArchLoot. Users can enter the game, build a tribe, and start from the Master Island.

Adventurer Pass enables users to earn $ALG rewards and access additional perks.

  • Passes are freely minted on the official website, currently for whitelisted users only.
  • One free chest opening is allowed per day, with increasing prices for subsequent chests.
  • Gained $ALG can be withdrawn from the account to the marketplace.

Goblin Pass earns more $ALG and access to tradable NFT body parts.

  • Passes are available for a limited time.
  • Extra tasks can be unlocked daily to win more $ALG.
  • Gained $ALG and NFTs can be withdrawn from the account to the marketplace.

Collector Pass provides higher drop rates of rare NFT body parts and other benefits.

  • Passes are available for a limited time.
  • SIX free chest openings are allowed per day.
  • No $ALG is accessible in chests, but gained NFTs can be withdrawn to the marketplace.

archloot pass system.png

Monthly Pass System in ArchLoot

ArchLoot's monthly pass system is a well-designed solution that addresses the challenges of balancing the value flow in a GameFi project. The system offers a range of benefits to gamers, including access to exclusive rewards, resources, and NFTs. The three different passes available provide gamers with a choice that suits their specific needs and budget. The system's four separate rewards pools ensure that vital substances in the ecosystem are maintained, creating a healthy circle that provides proper rewards backed by real value. Overall, ArchLoot's monthly pass system is an innovative and effective solution that incentivizes gamers to participate in the ecosystem while ensuring its long-term sustainability.

Game Economy

1. Token Utility

ArchLoot adopts a dual-token economic model featuring the governance token $ALT and the in-game currency $ALG.

$ALT (Governance token)$ALG (Utility token)
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 $ALTTotal supply: Infinite

Inflationary factors:

- PvP Rewards

Inflationary factors:

- PvP & PvE Rewards

Deflationary factors: 

- Governance

Deflationary factors: 

- Leveling avatars 

- Purchasing parts, items, and materials 

- Upgrading

One strength of ArchLoot's tokenomics is its focus on user participation and contribution as the distribution of $ALT is based on actual usage, activity, and efforts made on ArchLoot and/or proportionate to the frequency and volume of transactions. By providing incentives through the $ALT token, ArchLoot encourages users to actively participate in the ecosystem and contribute to its development.

2. Token Allocation


$ALT allocation


$ALT vesting schedule


ArchLoot is backed by a team of 40 experienced members hailing from various parts of the world. The team consists of talents from the world's leading gaming publisher, blockchain projects, and financial elites. With their diverse expertise, they are operating across continents to bring the best gaming experience to their users. In this article, we will introduce you to the team members who are driving the success of ArchLoot.

Jonathan Ubavicius - CEO

A member of the game industry for a long time and worked for game publishers such as Yostar, Aoshitang, Mars game, and Taptap and on projects such as Arknights, Ragnarok, Azur Lane, and Ulala: Idle Adventure.

Dirk Yuan - CMO

Extensive background includes directing BBShares, one of the first fully-compliant crypto hedge funds in Asia, and co-founding a hedge fund (FoF) in his previous role.

CTO (stays anonymous)

He has led infrastructure system development for multinational banks, including CITIGroup, during their tenure at IBM. He have also served as the Director of A-token wallet, overseeing a decentralized multi-chain wallet with over 2 million users. His experience in DeFi and DEX includes responsibility for structure design, cross-chain communication, and TPS optimization.

Duke - Advisor

A senior in traditional gaming industry and a pioneer in the blockchain game space. Co-founded a blockchain game publishing platform with more than 6 million users and $10 mil net profit in 2017. Prior to that, Duke’s professional experience spanned eastern gaming giants.

Partners & Investors

  • In June 2022, ArchLoot successfully raised over $17M in three rounds of funding from prominent investors such as Alphabit, YBB, y2z Ventures, Kryptos, FBG Capital, Stratified Capital, and Principle Ventures. Since then, the team has carefully utilized the funds to drive the game's development and growth.
  • Additionally, the company has partnered with top-tier names such as Binance NFT, YGG SEA, Blockchain Space, etc to realize their vision of building a gaming ecosystem that achieves a balance between playability, accessibility, and innovation in a sustainable manner. With this approach, ArchLoot aims to lead the way in GameFi 2.0 by combining traditional gaming concepts with the power of crypto.


ArchLoot's partners & investors


  • ArchLoot has cultivated a robust community, boasting an impressive 76K Twitter followers and a thriving Discord with 41.1K members. This dedicated following reflects the game's appeal and its ability to connect with gamers and blockchain enthusiasts alike.
  • ArchLoot has designed various user-generated content events and programs to encourage community engagement and original thought. The project's UGC+ model aims to ensure long-term sustainable playability and fair earning for gamers by introducing user-designed quests, user-defined maps, and tailored missions that are open for choice.
  • Furthermore, ArchLoot is app-native playable, making it especially ripe for streaming, with its ability for everyone to drop in at any time and quickly understand the game. The project also encourages its community to enrich their gaming experience by posting videos on their own.
  • ArchLoot recently launched a referral program during its beta test, offering rewards to both new and active gamers. By offering $ALG tokens as rewards, ArchLoot is creating an additional value for their players and giving them a sense of ownership and investment in the game. With initiatives like these, ArchLoot is well-positioned to continue growing its user base and building a thriving gaming ecosystem.

In conclusion, ArchLoot's innovative UGC+ model, focus on community engagement, and strong financial backing make it a promising player in the blockchain gaming industry. Its ability to balance playability, accessibility, and innovation in a sustainable manner will undoubtedly continue to attract and retain gamers and investors alike.


ArchLoot grand launch party in Vietnam

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  • Project Highlights
  • Overview
  • Gameplay
  • NFTs: Monster Parts
  • Operation
  • Monthly Pass System
  • Game Economy
  • Team
  • Partners & Investors
  • Community